A random thought

Peace is the most difficult thing to achieve these days. There is so much content everywhere that to bring your mind to focus on one thing be it a simple household chore is getting tougher everyday. Instead of doing things, our mind is so much occupied by just visualizing to do things. You watch a reel or a you tube short and now your mind is becoming the AI powered platform, which is visualizing you doing it. 

Say for example watching a fitness regime on youtube, we watch the routing everyday and keep telling ourselves that we will be doing it from tomorrow. But that doesn't happen. Because most of us are so much occupied by the end result of these things and have given up the idea of enjoying the journey.

I sometimes think, is it the smart phone or the social media platform that has made us into a log of wood, which just doesn't want to move or interact with one another. Whenever we get a little time, we just want to browse random content on the social media. The human touch that we used to feel when we used to interact with people around us is somehow lost.

I don't know when was the last time, I felt content after browsing something. I start browsing for one thing that I really want but I end up looking for random things that are recommended by the search engines. It seems like the backend algorithm of these platform don't want me to even think or stick to what I want instead they are pushing me to spend more time on these search platforms. Which would definitely make them profitable but will result me losing money as well as my peace.

AI, chat GPT , metaverse have now slowly entered everywhere. I mean each and every part of our lives, be it professional or personal. So what's next?  


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