One for the kitchen One for the Soul

Recently I was watching one of the shows of an Indian stand up comedian , by name Abish Mathew who was giving motivational talk to students at one of the universities in India. One phrase from his talk that caught my attention was " One for the Kitchen One for Soul". And I thought I should write about this.
We , humans , as we call ourselves all suffer from split personality disorder and if someone doesn't then the world calls him "CRAZY". Sounds bit weird, right !!
Yes it is. But this is the reality. Most of us would agree with me If I say "what we do is not actually what we want to do". We are so afraid to pursue our passion as our career option that we forcefully mold ourselves to do something for which we have zero interest in . I totally agree with what RANCHO from Hindi movie "Three Idiots" says to his friends "Do what you love to do". How correctly he points out that by doing something in which you have zero interest , you are not just doing wrong to yourself but it's wrong for the whole society as well.
ZERO Interest * Work = ZERO BENEFITS to society.
So now if you agree with me of saying that following one's passion can actually cure him from the split personality disorder the it is not a false statement. So shall I go to my parents and tell them about it? {what would be their reaction}. Terrified!! sure they will be {Bad Option}. We can't tell this to our parents or family who totally depends on us for financial security . Confused !! me too . So Is there a way where we can live our dreams without ruining our family's hopes? {anyone listening}
Presenting before you the golden rule "One for the kitchen One for the Soul" { With some back ground music from Rahman Sir}.
Let 's do it like a case study of a management class. Say for example your dream is to be a film director and you are from a middle class family for whom you are the bread butter winner.
Below are the steps that you can follow to reach your dream:
1. Apply for a job that gives you good salary but also gives you some creative independence . This is what we call as " One for the Kitchen".
2. Save some money in any of the bank that gives you good interest rate with a name "MY DREAM".
Start off with very small amount and then increase it with time.
3. Work hard at your work place and gain attention of the key folks coz always remember that connections can help you to reach your dream.
4. One by one start fulfilling your family responsibilities like paying off loans, buying flat etc.
5. Search for online courses and materials that would help you to understand film making.
6. Visit film institute on weekends and take interest in theaters {Stage performances} and conversations with pros of the industry in a live or virtual chat.
7. Start presenting your ideas in forums and clubs where many dignitaries of the Industry meets.
Like this gradually you can reach near your dream and who knows can even achieve it. Planning and dedication towards your dream can get you wherever you want without compromising on your duties towards your family.
We have only one life and one soul. So stop thinking and start planning.
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