Are we missing something in our life
Going back in time always reminds me of Charles Dicken's Novel "The Christmas Carol" where three angels take Mr. Scrooge to a journey in his past and then to future to make him realize his mistakes ", Which is way better than a "TIME MACHINE". {hi hi}
I wish someday an angel appear in front of me too and take me back to my childhood days where everything around me was so different from the way I look at them now. Life was not luxurious but there was some satisfaction and peace. Competition was there but not to an extent that I will loose my sleep. A new dress or a toy was sufficient enough to make me smile . A trip with family or friends used to give me the heavenly happiness.
While climbing the ladder of life, we have gained a lot at a price of our happiness.
Why aren't we happy after achieving everything ? Are we missing something in our life?
I think apart from love, care and happiness, a collective response to my above question would be "A Sound sleep" that we miss after growing up. Be it professional stress or personal issues but our mind is so fully occupied with some or the other thing, not a single day we go to bed without thinking about what to complete tomorrow. In a way we are ruining our present for the future which is built on foundation of our present, that we have already ruined. So what are we upto..
Researchers say that Insomnia in its acute or Chronic stage is commonly found disorder in most of our working population today. It is actually a sleep disorder that makes you not to fall asleep.
The biggest cause for Insomnia is STRESS and that too mostly professional. A question which we IT folks always ask while thinking hike or salary in mind "Are we working for peanuts" should be re phrased to "Are we working to loose our sleep" thinking our health and happiness in mind.
A good night Sleep is considered as the best YOGA aasan or rejuvenation method that actually induces energy in you and makes you ready to face the world.
Here are some medical facts that proves that why an average adult should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep daily :
- If you’re trying to learn something new—whether it’s a new programming language or some automated tool—you’ll perform better after sleeping. Because you brain performs consolidation process while you are asleep, which strengthens your memory.
- In addition to consolidating memories, or making them stronger, your brain appears to reorganize and restructure them, which may result in more creativity as well.
- Inflammation is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging. Research indicates that people who get less sleep—six or fewer hours a night—have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins than those who get more.
- Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same sectors of the brain. When you are sleepy, certain hormones go up in your blood, and those same hormones drive appetite.
- Sleep can definitely reduce levels of stress, and with that people can have better control of their blood pressure. It’s also believed that sleep effects cholesterol levels, which plays a significant role in heart disease.
- A lack of sleep can contribute to depression. A good night’s sleep can really help a moody person decrease their anxiety. You get more emotional stability with good sleep.
I hear some snores already, kudos guys !! you are on the right path .
Few changes in your lifestyle can help you get a sound sleep at night :
- Cut out late-night caffeine.
- Make sure your bedroom is dark and cozy
- Avoid scary movies before going to bed.
- Don't even think about your to-do list right before bed.
- Don't argue or fight with anyone before going to bed.
We definitely are earning money, getting all luxurious products , leading a high profile life style but in this rat race we are forgetting that we are not enjoying them. Instead we are losing ourselves. So reach out for your comfort and pillows right now and leave all the stress in the world to a near by dustbin and just enjoy your good night sleep .

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