Are you sad ???


It's not the first time that I am writing blog but somehow it's been sometime that I have actually sat down and wrote something that pleases my mind.
Fortunately for me and unfortunately for my readers.. today is that day. Please bear  me folks [chuckles] !!!

I did a lot of ..yeah..  I mean a lot of R&D on what to write and then finally I got a topic that connects with almost everyone of us [I suppose].

And... the Grand topic is "Depression"...[applauds]. Let me put the topic in another way "Are you Sad??"..

Don't worry I am not going to give any scientific definition for depression or not even try to take it away from anyone. Because I know how great asset is depression  to us. No I mean seriously...
Depression is a constant companion who never leaves your side no matter what happens..
[ye dosti hum nahi todenge.....]

But why is that when we become friends with Depression, we turn our back towards our family and closed ones???  Are we like possessive about depression?? [kkkkirannn...tum sirf meri ho...something that sort of].

It seems to me that to be with Depression, we sacrifice all our relationships no matter what price we have to pay. And Sadly, we don't think twice and leaves everything for our beloved companion "Depression". How cool isn't it?? in what all situations, are we so much attracted I mean infatuated towards depression ?

1. Dumped in love [Dil aisa kisine mera toda... barbadi ki taraf aisa moda.....].
2. Rejected in interviews [I am not good at anything....]
3. Comparisons with friends or colleague [mere paas bangala hai gaadi hai.. tere paas kya hai]
4. Workaholics [I am busy.. will call you later]

Let's do the intersection on these situations and see how strong are these reasons for depression??

Getting dumped or ditched in love is painful.. true.. hands down you have all the rights to be depressed but now the question that pops in my mind is ... Is it worth??

I had friends at college and at my work place who were either dumped or ditched in love and I have seen really bad phase of their life... constantly nagging about what happened in past and if they could have got a second chance they would have made everything alright [ At this time I sincerely think why didn't our scientists at NASA or ISRO design a time machine which would instantly solve this problem, hmm.. I should submit a summer project on it at Google..].

I know being loved or to love someone is the most beautiful feeling but it is not the only feeling left in one's life.. Life is really short and if you didn't get this feeling right then try your luck at something else.Why to refrain yourself from all the other beautiful feelings of life???? What?? You want to die just trying one feeling in life and then when God asks you what have you done with your life then meekly respond to him saying " I loved someone and....that's it ".. Do you think God will be happy about it...[poori life barbaad kar di]...
It happens that sometimes things don't work as we want it to be but it doesn't mean that you have to waste you entire life thinking if I would have....Come one, its not end of your life.. Past can never be is the PRESENT that you can change to construct a better FUTURE .. Try to move on .. And who knows you find love somewhere else who's actually waiting eagerly for you. Give yourself a second chance ,I bet you will not regret it ..

Let's got to the second situation which is "INTERVIEWS and REJECTIONS" . I know its not easy to handle rejections because I have faced it and believe me it has costed me my happiness and self confidence. But then I realized why did I acted in this way??? As it is said "Karmanye vaadikaraste maa faleshu kadachana" [this is the one that I remember from my Sanskrit don't mind] .Give your hundred percent to what you are doing and leave the result for the almighty. Isn't it worth giving a thought about..
When we are REJECTED at interviews we feel why me?? Am I not good enough?? All my friends got good jobs and I am left with nothing?? I worked so hard and still....
But if you see bigger picture.. it means you are different from others or may be special because God wants you to try something new or may be very different from others.. I can give hundreds of example where people who got rejected at interviews and have found their own way in life and became legends.
Now it's your choice ... Do you want yourself to be counted as a legend or just a someone???
So who's the winner???  Think hard...[socho socho].

To be continued..............



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