Are you Sad ??? reloaded

I know the title seems to be a bit over the top and unexpected but what to do its very difficult to contain my own personality sometimes.[ Kya karu... main hoon aadat se majboor ]

So where did we leave last time... hmmm...(yaad karo.....) yeah.. REJECTIONS at interviews..

So next scenario to be examined is "Comparisons with friends or colleagues [mere paas bangala hai gaadi hai.. tere paas kya hai] "..

This is the most common type and at times the most dangerous one as well...People tend to not to accept it when asked "Are you jealous??" .

Do you.. accept it??

(Jab dost fail hota hai to bahut dukh hota hai.. par agar wahi dost top kare to bahut dukh hota hai...)

Okay let me share my personal experience about it ...

Right from my childhood I liked to be in limelight( center of attraction) .
I was actually a big time  attention seeker. I used to try to excel at everything possible for just being called smart, talented.
When someone else tries to steal my spot (enters my territory) ,I become this evil queen of Snowhite (Not that Cruel..) who does all nasty stuffs to be at top spot.

At college my room mates noticed this  indigenous feature of my character and used to call me "COMPLU..". This title, I accepted with at most grace and humbleness, because there was no one who can even compete with me for this title [taps my own back].

Now coming  back to the point, Gradually this feeling of jealousy was killing my personality, keeping someone as target in your life to excel will leave you shattered and that happened to me as well.
We can't control ourselves from comparing with others... true.. but why to be sad about it.
Thinking one's life is so good and happening when compared to yours would take away all the happiness from your life.

The time that you are wasting while comparing or feeling inferior can be utilized to make a better future for yourself.
Is there any point in thinking what you could  have done to reach the level that your friend has reached, Instead create your own level.

Another area of inferiority complex comes about RELATIONSHIPS..."Ah...she/he is most popular or desirable...but why not me???".."I look so terrible.. why God has given me such a face".."I am too fat"..."I will never have love in my life"...

Familiar thoughts ??.....

Feeling depressed about your looks when your friend or classmate or colleague is getting all the attention you wish for.. is also a very common feeling.

But what can we do for this??? spending hours at beauty parlor?? gym?? yoga??

Get a life people....Yes its true that people get attracted towards the outer beauty and charm but have you ever given it a thought that for how long it will last???  (Gore rand pe na itna gumaan kar... gora rang to din mein dhal jaayega...)
 Its the real personality of the person that stays with the people for long. What a love or relationship it would be if a person falls for you only for your look but not for your personality??
It would be like a soap bubble, that exists for a moment.

So don't worry or don't  think much about how you look instead spread happiness with your personality. And I am sure everyone would be attracted towards you..(Koi shak..)

Coming to the last scenario [with tears]..

So now let's hear it for all our WORKAHOLICS.. who work so hard and timelessly to make our life simple and effortless.. Long time back (ab itna bhi peeche mat saal pehle),I was a typical workaholic IT professional who always stares at computer screen either coding or doing some defect fix. One day I got a call from one old friend of mine( normally I used to say I will call you later.. but that day I somehow started having a good conversation with him).

Apart from all we have discussed one thing stood out, when he asked me "why do you work?"

And you won't believe what a heart wrenching answer I gave .. " I work for my satisfaction.." [what do you think...was it a good answer??]

He replied to me saying "Oh is it I actually  work for getting paid nicely so that I can have good food,
good sleep and a healthy life. By the way do you have anyone of this right now?"

That statement actually crushed something inside me. What I was thinking??? Am I just wasting  my life?? Am I enjoying?? Am I happy??

I underwent REALIZATION that day ( In more technical terms felt like attained MOKSHA...)[A bulb lightened upon my head].

Seroiously..why working so hard if we can't enjoy our life?
Be on Top of your game is passion.. but to sustain that top position your mind and heart should be in sync.

We always hear that somebody so rich and famous commit suicide due to depression, loneliness,anxiety.. why?? ... Because they came first in the rat race of life's competition but came last while competing for being happy.

Guys... life is ticking so fast and we don't have time to think what we could have changed in our life instead START now..

If you are battling any type of depression talk to your friends, family or take professional help.

There's no shame in taking professional help, its not only your body that needs a doctor's attention but your mind also needs one.

Keep your mind and body happy and cheerful and try to end your long lasting relationship with depression.

Signing off..

Sagar ki mauje yu baar baar
kinaaro ko chookar laut jaati hai...
Mano apne hi wajood ko baar baar
milne ko takraati hai...



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