"Har ek Friend Zaroori ya Kameena Hota hai "

Here you go.. I am back again with yet another exciting ride through my experiences, this time its a topic on which I can talk for hours and hours without taking a break.

Me too..

Some body has rightly said that "Har ek friend zaroori hota hai" yup really all sorts and types of friends are needed in your life. And those who are close, best or special friends are very precious and we should never ever loose them.

Okay, so would you like to go through a fun experience of mine with  my F.R.I.E.N.D.

Let's go then.

Long time ago [Black and White screen] I was in Engineering college, studying Information technology[Very studious Girl I was].
 I had a group or you can say a "GANG"[not the gangs of Wasseypur for sure ] in college namely "YAHOO GALS", We were 8 in number and were very close to each other[fevicol ka jod hai bhai tootega nahi]. We then had lots of pet names and  still we address each other with those names : Achu,Kunju,Reshu,Jems,Shabu,Bini,Sonu and me (Deeps).

Deeps was not my only pet name there were many like Complu, Tenshu, Billie and so on (Forgive me if I have missed any of my awesome names given by my hostel and college mates;) )

Ok let's come to our story. One day Me and Achu were at college computer lab for computers practical class. And  Achu who was sitting besides me was playing with her mobile(as usual). Suddenly our lab Assistant (Madam) noticed some sound that was coming from our side.
She started approaching to our side while asking "Who is playing with mobile?"
She asked again.(Same question was repeated)

And Then suddenly, Achu replied. You would not believe what she said..[Horror persists..]

She said "Mam its Deepthi..She just got a new mobile. She is playing with it right from morning . I asked her to stop,but she is not listening.." [Sheesha ho ya dil ho aakhir...toot jaata hai..]

I was just .. (Maar daaala allah maar daala). I could just whisper few words from my mouth..and that was "Not me ;( ".
She didn't listen to me, she just started giving a big and heavy lecture with all dos and don'ts of college.

[That very moment I had the realization that "har ek friend kameeni hoti hai" ].

Really touching right..  Don't cry. Just save your tears for the next one.

Drama continues..

I used to have a Moral code while I was in school and college which was " Never CHEAT and Never allow anyone to CHEAT from you".

I used to feel very proud of it and then this happened.

During one of our internal exam I entered our exam room with lots of confidence and positivity. My roll number was 8 so I was at the last bench of the first row. I opened my pouch and pulled my pen and pencil out and was eagerly waiting for the question paper.

And then suddenly My dear Achu Rocked again!!

She started screaming "Mam ..Mam".

Teacher asked "What?"

She started her complaining mode on and said " Mam Deepthi brought cheating chits for the exams I saw that in her pouch".

I was startled.

I was so horrified that I literally stood up and showed her that it was not a chit , it was previous day's question paper(Which I forgot to take out). And started repeating one sentence " Mam I don't cheat .. I have never cheated in my life..".

She just smiled and went away.

[Again this moment reminded me the same old saying]

So what you think. Have you ever faced embarrassing moments of this sort. If yes then don't worry, you are not the only one.If not then you are yet to find your true friend.



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