Weigh that matters ..

Hello readers .. I am back with another interesting and very much talked about topic .
As you can guess from the title itself that I am pointing towards "WEIGHT ISSUES".
It is a very burning and important topic that needs urgent attention {fire Alarm}. Don't worry I am not here to educate you all with some weight reduction diet plans or exercise regime or some technology that would take out all the cellulite from your body like a vaccum cleaner{uff}.
Instead I am here , with a question "What matters the most in your life ?".
Before we go in to deeper analysis, let's go through my own story first.
I was born in to a military family as the eldest daughter weighing 3 and half pounds in 1987. From there on, the weight scale has always been on an accelerator for me. I have always seen myself as an odd looking girl who is tall and weighs more than any of her classmates (thanks to my genes).
It was not that easy but still I found my way out to suppress my insecurities over my weight and focused on productive stuffs like Sports, Studies and all extra curricular activities. But somehow that creepy feeling of being called FATSO was hidden somewhere deep down in me.
So I know how it feels to be called FATSO,MOTI,HATHI,DOUBLE ROTI,CYLINDER and trust me guys it is depressing and is definitely not funny.
But it is not end of the world. There is so much into it. {picture abhi baki hai mere dost].
I had a very understanding family and group of friends who has supported me in overcoming my weight related insecurities and helped me to emerge as a winner in life {Bravo}.
Coming to the point..
A weigh scale is not having any sort of power to decide your personality, intellect, career , ambition or anything. It is just a meter where your body is weighed, not your mind or heart.
I have seen girls spending money, putting lots of efforts and time in becoming size zero ,
so that they will not get outcast. So much time and effort is taken on getting yourself transformed into shallow, dumb and plastic. Is it worth ?
I agree Health is important but becoming over conscious about how you look is a total "No". {Nahi nahi.. kabhi nahi}.
Why is it necessary that all of us should have a hot physique ? Instead why can't we invest our time and efforts in building an attractive personality and learning crafts/skills that satisfies our soul. Always remember one thing that it is hard work and dedication which leads you to success not your looks. Looks can get immediate attention but it is your work/skill/personality that can hold everyone for much longer duration {So lambi race ke ghode pe baazi lagao}.
Comedy queen Bharti Singh weighs 85 kg on weigh scale but her sense of humor weighs beyond any number of any scale. She is the highest paid comedy artist in India who has carved her own niche in a male dominated craft. She is paid way higher that any hot bombshells {so who's the winner here?}.
Vidya Balan, stunning actress who is on top notch with total of fifty film and TV awards which includes two National awards, is always criticized for her weight but it didn't stop her to be one of the highest paid actress in an industry which is full of glamorous heroines.
There are so many honorable people who have put their craft way ahead of the weigh scale and succeeded in life.
So Girls..stop worrying over your weight, release yourselves from the shackles of size zero and try to explore the world and find your true identity {which is way beyond the number on any weigh scale}.
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