F.E.A.R - Fracturing Emotions and Ambitions Regularly
There's one instance I would like to share before coming to the topic that I have chosen for today's blog.
During one of our placement training sessions at college, our instructor was amazingly narrating us many instances of geniuses from people who have excelled in HR interviews, when asked some of the toughest questions. To make the conversation interactive, we were given some of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) for which we had to come up with spontaneous but unusually awesome answers. Among all the questions the one that stands out for me, was "What is your biggest fear in life?" .
Let's pause the story here and come back to our topic.
Are you doing an R & D in your mind ... questioning yourself what is My biggest fear. Or May be you already know what is your biggest fear ... but do you really have the guts to admit it.
The FEAR that I am talking about is not a phobia prone to water, darkness or insects. This is something that resides in our mind for ages and comes out only when we are alone or with someone who understands us more than we do ourselves.
We always clap for geniuses who have turned the tables around, took risk and achieved something that was out of scope for them, when they were at the very base of their quest. That clap from us, comes from respect {sometimes} but mostly with a rage for not having the guts to follow our dream.

Two words that decides the flow of our life are RISK and FEAR. They are like two messengers of GOD who travel along with us in the caravan of our life. If you choose FEAR you will live a life that would be financially secured and stable but with a missing element { probably the SALT of life}. If you go with the option RISK either you will succeed or you will be thrown into the pool of failures, but still you would not have the regret of not trying .
The FEAR that holds us back to take RISK in our lives are mostly related to family, responsibilities, peer pressure, socio economic reasons. And they are enough to blur our imagination and confidence.
Coming back to my story, there were many answers running through my mind too, with fashionable frame of words to make it sound like a master piece ,but I didn't raise my hand that day for giving my answer. It's not that I am a shy person or not a public speaker. The answer didn't come out of my mouth because I was afraid of loosing ... I FEAR of loosing and that held me back.
This was not the first time when I met my FEAR, it's been there always. This FEAR brings a lot of additional complication too, like insecurity, inferiority complex etc. But am I going to live with it throughout my life . I suppose yes if I choose to, if not I will take risks and forget the win and loose ratio and would just enjoy everything that I do without thinking if I will be able to or not.
A life lived under FEAR of loosing or being called an outcast is relatable to a dead body that's safely kept in a coffin. Just throw your FEAR away and come out of this coffin of FEAR...
Because as Gabbar says "Jo Darr Gaya so Mar gaya".
We have multiple reasons to call LIFE biased, it only favors the rich and powerful ones. There 's no scope for dreams when you are middle class or even below that, but is that something that we believe or is that something that we say to hide our remorse.
Life is never biased ,it's just that we don't realize, what is the intention behind the offering that it gives to us. Those who blame FATE, are the ones who are not brave enough to take RISK in life - FATE favors the BRAVE.
Encourage yourself and come out of your FEAR and live your life the way you like it to be.
During one of our placement training sessions at college, our instructor was amazingly narrating us many instances of geniuses from people who have excelled in HR interviews, when asked some of the toughest questions. To make the conversation interactive, we were given some of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) for which we had to come up with spontaneous but unusually awesome answers. Among all the questions the one that stands out for me, was "What is your biggest fear in life?" .
Let's pause the story here and come back to our topic.
Are you doing an R & D in your mind ... questioning yourself what is My biggest fear. Or May be you already know what is your biggest fear ... but do you really have the guts to admit it.
The FEAR that I am talking about is not a phobia prone to water, darkness or insects. This is something that resides in our mind for ages and comes out only when we are alone or with someone who understands us more than we do ourselves.
We always clap for geniuses who have turned the tables around, took risk and achieved something that was out of scope for them, when they were at the very base of their quest. That clap from us, comes from respect {sometimes} but mostly with a rage for not having the guts to follow our dream.
Two words that decides the flow of our life are RISK and FEAR. They are like two messengers of GOD who travel along with us in the caravan of our life. If you choose FEAR you will live a life that would be financially secured and stable but with a missing element { probably the SALT of life}. If you go with the option RISK either you will succeed or you will be thrown into the pool of failures, but still you would not have the regret of not trying .
The FEAR that holds us back to take RISK in our lives are mostly related to family, responsibilities, peer pressure, socio economic reasons. And they are enough to blur our imagination and confidence.
Coming back to my story, there were many answers running through my mind too, with fashionable frame of words to make it sound like a master piece ,but I didn't raise my hand that day for giving my answer. It's not that I am a shy person or not a public speaker. The answer didn't come out of my mouth because I was afraid of loosing ... I FEAR of loosing and that held me back.
This was not the first time when I met my FEAR, it's been there always. This FEAR brings a lot of additional complication too, like insecurity, inferiority complex etc. But am I going to live with it throughout my life . I suppose yes if I choose to, if not I will take risks and forget the win and loose ratio and would just enjoy everything that I do without thinking if I will be able to or not.
A life lived under FEAR of loosing or being called an outcast is relatable to a dead body that's safely kept in a coffin. Just throw your FEAR away and come out of this coffin of FEAR...
Because as Gabbar says "Jo Darr Gaya so Mar gaya".
We have multiple reasons to call LIFE biased, it only favors the rich and powerful ones. There 's no scope for dreams when you are middle class or even below that, but is that something that we believe or is that something that we say to hide our remorse.
Life is never biased ,it's just that we don't realize, what is the intention behind the offering that it gives to us. Those who blame FATE, are the ones who are not brave enough to take RISK in life - FATE favors the BRAVE.
Encourage yourself and come out of your FEAR and live your life the way you like it to be.
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